Weymouth & Portland PPGs patient experience survey – some key findings
As part of Patient Participation Group Awareness Week we are sharing the stories, experiences and insights from our Member PPGs.
The following survey results have been shared by the Weymouth & Portland GP Patient Participation Groups (PPG), whose Chairs wanted to give patients a stronger voice throughout Covid-19. In doing so they could better understand their patients’ circumstances and how best to use GP resources throughout the pandemic.
The W&P survey report gives data and insights on:
- How patients have contacted their practice since the start of COVID-19
- Patients’ confidence talking on the phone to their GP
- How patients would prefer to be updated by their practice
- Patients’ experience of using digital technology to manage their health
Some of the key findings include:
- 1,891 people replied; so, the confidence level = 95%. (Online response rate 49%; postal 36%; SMS 15%)
- The survey found that 24% of the population do not use the internet (21% are not connected). For those people with a disability this increases to 35% and 50% of the 75+ age group are unconnected.
- Reasons for not using the internet 70% not interested; 38% do not have the skills/confidence; 24% do not have the right equipment; 12% worried about security; 11% say costs too much; 5% have a disability that makes it difficult to connect.
- Now 24% (up from 5%) of patients use eConsult. Highest eConsult usage is within the younger age groups.
- 21% of respondents are less confident talking on the phone and would need more time to describe their problem.
- Preferred method for updates from GP & local health services 56% email; 43% post; 43% text; 13% website; 9% social media; 9% local newspaper; 2% radio.
- Use of digital technology to access GP surgery; 47% use digital technology but 38% would not.
- 44% of respondents use the internet for managing their health. (With a disability 40% without 45%)